About us

Ulla-Carin Lindquist Foundation for ALS Research is a Swedish non-profit organisation that allocates approximately SEK 4 million to leading ALS-research on an annual basis under the supervision of the Swedish Fundraising Control.

Ulla-Carin Lindquist was diagnosed with the ALS in 2003. As a news anchor and a familiar face for most Swedes, she decided to put ALS in the spotlight by writing the book “Rowing without Oars” and producing the documentary “My fight against time”. The book was translated to several languages and ”My fight against time” was Sweden’s most viewed television documentary.

After her passing, a foundation was formed in 2005 by family, friends and the publishing house Norstedts using proceeds from the book. The foundation is supervised by the Swedish Fundraising Control, which requires that at least 75% of revenue be donated to the cause, and continues it continuous to be run primarily by friends and family.

Apply for funding

We accept applications for funding of ALS-research and information spreading initiatives. For more information, please follow the link below.

Apply for funding »

Contact us

Please direct your inquiries to the registry through the contact details provided below.

  • Email: info@ullacarinstiftelse.se
  • Telephone: +46 (0)8-660 05 85

Make an international donation

For international wire payments to the foundation, please use the details provided below:

  • IBAN: SE49 9500 0099 6034 0900 0498